Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday 10/31/17

Today, we started our Silk Roads History Lab!  We watched a video and then did one station.  If you didn't finish your station,  be sure to finish it on your own.  The entire packet needs to be done by the time we finish the history lab (end of class on Friday).  Also, remember your Islam DBQ paragraph is due tomorrow--upload it to turnitin.com by the time class starts.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Friday, 10/27/17

Today was the test!  For homework, you should have picked up the Spread of Islam DBQ packet.  Read over the directions on the first page.  Due date are as follows:

  • Packet read and annotated with document analysis questions answered for class on Monday, 10/30/17.
  • Work day on paragraph in class on Monday, 10/30/17.
  • Paragraph is due, uploaded to turnitin.com by the time class starts on Wednesday, 11/1/17.

Wednesday, 10/25/17

Today in class, we discussed highlights from the Islam video we watched yesterday.  Then, we took some notes on what griots are and what purpose they served in West African societies and their legacy today.  Students worked in paris to create their own griot stories for a West African Kingdom in relationship to focus quesitons #6.  Then we worked in paris to create a quiz to give to another group, reviewing the people and groups from the unit (see this linked under the "Unit 2" tab).  Test is on Friday!  All late homework should be completed then as well.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday, 10/24/17

Today in class, we discussed some important concepts for Islam; be sure you get notes if you weren't here.  We then watched a video about the spread of Islam and Islamic culture; be sure you collect the movie guide from me and I can give you a link to the film if you weren't here.  Last, I handed out information about Friday's test--see a link to it under the "Unit 2" tab.  Tomorrow we will have some time for review so be sure you prepare any questions you might have for them.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, 10/24/17

Today in class, we submitted activity points.  If you didn't turn yours in, please see me ASAP so we can discuss a plan to get these done!  We then took a brief multiple choice map quiz using the map that was due today.  Next, we got back our notes quizzes on Islam--corrections due tomorrow (optional).  Last, we did a modern connections worksheet--see a link to it under the "Modern Connections" tab.  Remember--we have our next unit test on Friday!  All late homework for this unit must be completed on or before that day.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday, 10/20/17

Today in class, we took a notes quiz on Islam and then discussed the answers, focusing on how Islam means "submission" and how "submitting to the will of Allah" might be challenging in terms of fulfilling the 5 Pillars of faith.  We also discussed the connections between Christians, Jews, and Muslims and how they view Abraham.  Be sure to get notes from someone if you weren't here.  We then worked on the map activity (posted under the "Unit 2" tab)--that map is DUE MONDAY!  ACTIVITY POINTS are also due Monday!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, 10/18/17

Today in class, we completed the Free Research that we began yesterday and shared some of the interesting facts we learned.  We then did a chart about Aksum, matching up the five characteristics of "civilization" learned about from unit 1, with facts about Aksum.  Last, we watched the video about Aksum linked under Unit 2 to learn some interesting facts about Aksum today.  Notes due Friday are about Islam.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday, 10/17/17

Today in class, we completed the "Building Blocks of Ancient Societies" chart (under Unit 2 tab). We then did a "progressive paragraph" relating to focus question #1 in regards to Africa, and last we started the "Free Research on Sub-Saharan African Societies" (under Unit 2 tab).  I did check in the notes--be sure you get all of this made up (minus the progressive paragraph) if you were absent!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, 10/16/17

Today in class, we had a Modern Connections discussion on Catalonian independence.  Please see the articles and discussion questions under the "Modern Connections" tab.  Tomorrow, a guided reading and notes are due; if you didn't get the guided reading, please take notes on both sections.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday, 10/13/17

Today in class, we went over notes entitled "Buddhism's Distinctions from Hinduism."  We then got back our rubrics and went over comments from the Athens/Rome DBQs; if you weren't here be sure to fill out the "Writing Log" (under "General Info" tab) using the turnitin.com comments and the rubric.  We then went over the writing assignment due Monday (see Doc under 'Unit 2" tab). We then did the "Asoka's Edicts Primary Document Worksheet" (under "Unit 2 tab").  If you were absent, be sure all of this gets made up!  I also collected notes quiz corrections and checked in notes (students chose individually if I checked in notes that were due yesterday or the ones that were due today).

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Wednesday, 10/4/17

Today in class, we wrote paragraphs about FQ #4 relating to the Han Dynasty. We did this partners, using the database articles and note-taking sheets that we have been collecting the past few days.  Then, we read over each other's paragraphs, voting on the most well written one.  A brief discussion on writing followed with emphasis placed on writing assertions that go beyond a restating of the question and using evidence that is specific, but might not be a direct quotation.   Then we did a brief website activity on Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (linked under the Unit 2 tab).  Last, we got our tests back.  If you'd like to discuss your test further, please email me or see me to set up an appointment.  Often, the best test analysis and note-taking help can be done in a one-on-one environment!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday, 10/3/17

Today, we read excerpts of Confucius' writings and did some work connecting them to classical Chinese values using the worksheet under Unit 2.  We discussed how Confucianism helped emperors' rule, so that was one reason why this philosophy lasted and was supported by the government in China.  Then, we discussed how to use the "Keep Your Notes In Cite" note-taker and practiced transferring material from our annotated articles on the Han Dynasty onto the notetaker. 

For tomorrow, the only HW are the notes listed on the assignment sheet.  The Han Dynasty outline IS NOT due; we will do that in class today.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday, 10/2/17

Today in class we briefly talked about the mass shooting in Las Vegas.  We then moved into discussing leadership in the Qin Dynasty through watching portions of Engineering an Empire:  China.  Last, I reminded students to bring in their annotated article about the Han Dynasty from a database for tomorrow (if they didn't today) and to bring in the notes on the Han Dynasty as well.