Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, 4/27/18

Today in class, we made our way through a lesson on the Armenian Genocide, specifically asking the questions how and why this genocide could happen. If you were absent, be sure to get notes from someone who was here.  Homework is a modern connections worksheet and it is linked under the Unit 9 tab.  Please note--we will have an in-school field trip on Monday during 6th and 7th periods to hear a Holocaust Survivor speak.  Please let your 6th and 7th period teachers know you will be absent on Monday (and do all appropriate make-up work in advance).  This is an invaluable opportunity on DHS's Genocide Commemoration Day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wednesday, 4/25/18

I was absent today (Wednesday) but here was the plan for those who were absent:  Use your World War I Activities Packet (given out yesterday in class) and complete “The Great War Poetry,” “Propaganda Posters of the Great War” and “Hidden Realities” worksheets; all supporting documents (pictures, poems, etc) are on the class website, so you will need to use your Chromebooks. Whatever you don't finish from these three worksheets is homework in addition to the Armenian Genocide packet that was handed out in class. If you were absent, make up the worksheets and stop by to get the HW packet from me in Q101.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, 4/23/18

Today in class, I checked in the DBQ worksheet and then we worked in groups on the visual essay.  If you were absent, be sure to show me your worksheet when you return, review the visual essay instructions on the Unit 9 tab (no need to complete it--just know what you missed) and have the textbook notes done for tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, 4/20/18

Today in class, we got an assignment sheet for the next unit as well as the material needed for the weekend's homework.  If you were absent, check the Unit 9 tab on the website to get these materials (assignment sheet, DBQ packet, and DBQ worksheet). Then we went through a reflection and sharing process to conclude the research paper. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, 4/17/18

Today in class, we briefly went over "Conclusion Writing Tips" (under "Research Paper" tab) and then had work time on our rough drafts.  Students had the opportunity to meet with me if s/he had questions.  For tomorrow, bring a full and complete copy of your rough draft AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY in hard copy (printed up) for class.  This is for peer editing tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, 4/16/18

Today in class, we went a sample for the thesis and a partial body paragraph for the research paper (see the link under Research Paper tab) and then did a modern connections (see link under modern connections tab).  Start drafting from our outline tonight; tomorrow is a work day on continuing to draft your paper.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, 4/13/18

Today in class, we looked at the Rubric (posted under the "Revolutions" tab), and I also pointed out the "Internal Citation Cheat Sheet" that is there for your reference.  We also looked at a model of a very complete outline chart that shows how if the outline chart is highly detailed, drafting your rough essay will be much easier.  There was work time for the rest of the class; the complete outline chart is due on Monday.  Monday, we will not have work time; it is a modern connections day.

Thursday, 4/12/18

Today in class, we worked on our Annotated Bibliographies.  See the sample under the "Revolutions" tab to help you; use the library citation manual too.  I also checked in your four sources; if you were absent be sure to check in with me so I can see your notes.   Homework for tomorrow is to do the first two pages of the Outline Chart (under "Revolutions tab)--this consists of some brainstorming questions as well as outlining your first body section.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, 4/9/18

Today in class, we filled out a check in sheet (get this from me on Wednesday if you weren't here) and then proceeded with our research (one more in-depth source).  All notes should be taken for Wednesday, when we will meet in the classroom and start drafting our bibliographies.