Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, 9/29/17

Today in class, we discussed the Mandate of Heaven, specifically how the cycle works and how it in fact empowers the people in some ways.  We also discussed how cycles are important in Chinese culture (dynastic cycle, cycle of hte river, cycle of life and death with ancestor worship, cycles as relationships as in Confucianism, and cycles as balance with yin/yang & Daoism.  We then moved into discussing the three philosophies through making campaign slogans for each philosophy, and we ended class by filling out the Research Guide Notes (under "General Documents" tab) for three of the databases.  Get someone's notes if you weren't here (on all of the above).

Homework, as listed on the assignment sheet, is to find an article on the Han Dynasty from one of the databases we learned about in class, print it up, and then read & annotate it. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday, 9/27/17

Today in class, I handed out a new assignment sheet for Unit 2.  Then, I introduced a new way of taking notes:  cornell notes (see the link for an instructions page under the "General Documents" tab.  We then make our way through pages 50-55 practicing this note-taking strategy.  The homework is to finish the notes on 50-55 if you didn't already AND do the homework on the assignment sheet for Friday (CORNELL NOTES on pages 104-109).   After Friday, you can choose outline notes or cornell notes, but you MUST do cornell notes for Friday's homework.  Another reminder--don't forget to start thinking about activity points, if you haven't already, due on 10/23.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, 9/26/17

Today was test day!  If you were absent, you should have already emailed me for how and when to make up your test, so be sure to follow up on that if you haven't.  There was no specific homework other than work on Activity Points.  Tomorrow, we will start our new unit.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday, 9/22/17

Today in class, we checked in regarding activity points--see an additional option added for 2 unis to see a speaker after school Monday (on the Activity Points tab on the webpage).  Then, we did a Modern Connections discussion (see the document linked on the Modern Connections tab).   Then, we discussed the Test Info Sheet handed out earlier in the week--we also added the term "Augustus" to the vocab needed to know for Tuesday's unit test.  Last, as time allowed, we began one of the two review worksheets linked on the Unit 1 tab.  If you were absent, I expect to see the Modern Connections worksheet done on Monday--be sure it is in your Shared "World History" Drive  folder.  Also, for everyone, remember that the Map Quiz is Monday--BRING YOUR MAP!  If you don't have it, you will still need to take the quiz.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Friday, 9/15/17

In class today, we checked in our notes on the Roman Empire.  We then discussed what political, economic and geographic factors lead to the Roman Empire's power (if you weren't here get notes from someone).  Then, we watched a video on the Roman Empire, focusing on the aqueducts and Colosseum.  Remember, your color-coded DBQ paragraph is due to by the time class starts on Monday!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 9/13/17

Today in class, we worked on our Athens/Rome DBQ paragraphs.  I checked in the outline, then I passed out the No-Excuse list.  Be sure to abide by these rules in all formal writing or you will lose points! I also explained that your final DBQ draft should be color-coded--Blue for argument, red for evidence, and green for analysis.  Remember to review the rubric as well before you turn in your DBQ to (due on Monday, 9/18/17).

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 9/12/17

In class today, we had a Modern Connections discussion about 9/11 and partisanship.  Then, we had a discussion about effective evidence to use in a DBQ (we discussed how effective evidence is highly specific, clear, and can be in the form of a quotation, statistic, or paraphrase).  Last, I passed out the DBQ assignment--for tomorrow, your OUTLINE (explained on page 2 of the assignment) is due (typed in a Google Doc is fine) and we will work on transforming that outline into a full paragraph tomorrow in class.  Also, optional notes quiz corrections are due tomorrow.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday, 9/11/17

In class today, we took a notes quiz; remember to focus your notes on terms (definition & significance) and focus questions!

We then started reading the Greece/Athens DBQ packet; the homework for tonight into tomorrow is to read and annotate the background essay and all the documents.  Use the document analysis questions to help you annotate.  We will work more on this DBQ tomorrow and Wednesday--you will be writing a one paragraph response to this DBQ (it is on your assignment sheet--not due until Monday, 9/18).

Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, 9/8/17

Note-taking Tips!!!!

  • Do not write down dates or numbers--I will never ask you anything that specific.  You can always look up how many miles Alexander traveled into India; I wouldn't expect you to memorize that!
  • If it isn't a term, don't write down too much!  If there is an historical figure who is not a term on the assignment sheet, you don't need to write him/her down.  If there is a red or black heading that has no terms in it, write down only 1-2 ideas that connect to main ideas or focus questions.  Don't write down 5-6 sub points if it's clear from our assignment sheet that it isn't important.
  • Use that assignment sheet! Remember, all bolded words in the textbook are not terms on our assignment sheet.
  • Notes should take you around 30-45 minutes; if they are taking you significantly longer, review all the tips I've given you to try and streamline the process.
In class today, we self-evaluated our geography in Mesopotamia paragraphs and did the Alexander DBQ worksheet in small groups.  There are also some changes to the assignment sheet, so be sure to review yours (an updated version is posted on the website).

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday 9/6/17

In class today, we discussed characteristics of classical art and philosophy, and we defined the vocab word arete (balance, order, and proportion).  We talked about how this was was "excellence" meant for Greeks and they tried to embody this worldview in their daily lives.  We then watched excerpts from the PBS Documentary The Greeks (get a movie guide if you were absent).

For homework, follow the directions on the assignment sheet to make your way through the two sections on Alexander the Great and Hellenistic culture.  If you focus on the terms (definition and significance) and the questions listed there, you should have the information you need.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tuesday, 9/5/17

Today in class, we went over notes quiz corrections (that can be submitted tomorrow for the most recent notes quiz), discussed the definition of "classical" (get notes from someone if you weren't here), and analyzed a diagram of Athenian democracy under Pericles (get a chart from me and notes from someone if you weren't here).

Remember to do tomorrow's notes including the one margin question indicated on the assignment sheet (answer at the end of your notes, no need to type it out), keep working on our map (no more in class work time on that), and start thinking about activity points!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday, 9/1/17--Reminders

Please be sure you have uploaded your focus question paragraph to  I will be looking at those very soon!  Also, bring back your Activity Points Signature Sheet ASAP--it was due on 9/1, but I will still accept them on Tuesday as well for full points (as per your assignment sheet).

Last, over the weekend, complete the pages of notes on Greece as indicated on your assignment sheet.  Also, be working on your map!  It isn't due until 9/25, but it is good to work on it early in case you have questions.