Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, 9/8/17

Note-taking Tips!!!!

  • Do not write down dates or numbers--I will never ask you anything that specific.  You can always look up how many miles Alexander traveled into India; I wouldn't expect you to memorize that!
  • If it isn't a term, don't write down too much!  If there is an historical figure who is not a term on the assignment sheet, you don't need to write him/her down.  If there is a red or black heading that has no terms in it, write down only 1-2 ideas that connect to main ideas or focus questions.  Don't write down 5-6 sub points if it's clear from our assignment sheet that it isn't important.
  • Use that assignment sheet! Remember, all bolded words in the textbook are not terms on our assignment sheet.
  • Notes should take you around 30-45 minutes; if they are taking you significantly longer, review all the tips I've given you to try and streamline the process.
In class today, we self-evaluated our geography in Mesopotamia paragraphs and did the Alexander DBQ worksheet in small groups.  There are also some changes to the assignment sheet, so be sure to review yours (an updated version is posted on the website).

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