Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday, 11/29/17

Today in class, we discussed how the organizing institutions of medieval society (feudalism & chivalry, manorialism, and the Roman Catholic Church) were shattered by the 100 Years War and the Black Death.  Get notes from someone who was here if you were absent.  We also watched a clip of Shakespeare's Henry V that depicted one battle during the 100 Years War.  We also got info on Monday's quiz--see that linked under the Unit 3 tab. Also, BRING HEADPHONES on Friday--you'll need them for an in-class activity.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday, 11/28/17

Today in class, we discussed focus question #1 (how feudalism, manorialism, and the Catholic Church gave structure to medieval society). We then viewed some videos and slides of medieval art (posted under the Unit 4 tab), specifically Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals and illuminated manuscripts.  We also spend some time discussing who we would be if we were someone in medieval history.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday, 11/27/17

Today in class, we got back our map quizzes from Unit 3, got new Unit 4 assignment sheets (see electronic version under "Unit 4: The Medieval World" tab) and did a textbook scavenger hunt (this is also posted under the Unit 4 tab).  Please do the scavenger hunt on your own if you were absent.  Homework due tomorrow is on the new assignment sheet.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wednesday, 11/5/17

Today in class, we did our Progressive map and then went over social studies course options for the next four year to assist in four year planning for Freshmen. We then got back our Islam DBQs and filled out our writing logs.  Last, we practiced writing notes quizzes in small groups and compared them with a notes quiz I had written to see how well we are focusing in on the main ideas of sections. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday, 11/14/17

Today in class, we finished and briefly discussed the Mughals video.  We then took some notes on a flow chart I made about the Byzantines, and moved into some skill practice with a Byzantine Empire DBQ. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday, 11/13/17

Today in class, we added on the Progressive Map (see this under the "Unit 3" tab) for locations within the Mughal Empire.  We then spend 10 minutes adding on to our "Rate the Leaders" chart with information about the Mughal rulers we read about in our notes.  Last, we started a movie about the Mughals and how they fit into Indian history.  If you were absent, complete the above activities and see me for the movie guide when you return.  Be sure to get notes from someone who was here (or see me) for the movie questions you missed.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday, 11/10/17

Today in class, we worked on our Progressive Map (see assignment under Unit 3 tab).  I encourage all students to add on to their notes as we discuss the progressive map in class.  We shared our Tang & Song Dynasty hashtags, and then we discussed how the civil service exam system was effective in terms of  unifying and codifying the Chinese government and the people, but it greatly stifled diversity and freedom of thought.  Then, we began our "Rate the Leaders" chart; we will continue this on Monday.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wednesday, 11/8/17

Today in class, we did a worksheet comparing Feudal Japan and Tang/Song China.  We then moved into discussion the positives and negatives of the Tang/Song civil service exams using primary documents and images.  The worksheet is linked under the Unit 3 tab; but if you were absent be sure to get the documents and images from me in class when you return.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday, 11/7/17

Today in class, we got got new assignment sheets, went over 2nd quarter activity points, did a worksheet on Feudal Japan, and got back Unit 2 tests.  I encourage students that are not scoring as high as they'd like to on tests to make an appointment with me so we can discuss note-taking, studying, and note-taking strategies.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday, 11/3/17

Today in class, we finished the last station in the Silk Roads History Lab and began the travel log assignment (see it linked under "Silk Roads History Lab tab").  Over the weekend, be sure you complete all portions of the Silk Roads Group Document" including FULLY drafting your paragraph and printing up any color visuals you want for your poster.  You will work with your group to construct your poster.

New Activity Points are posted under the "Activity Points" tab on the webpage.  You will get new assignments sheets (for Unit 3) on Monday.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wednesday, 11/1/17

Today in class, we proceeded through three more stations in the Silk Roads history lab.  For class tomorrow, you should have four out of the five stations done; complete any of the four stations you started in class at home!  We will do the last station in class on Friday and start the next part of the activity.