Friday, February 9, 2018

SNOW DAY! Friday, 2/9/18

Happy Snow Day everyone!

I hope you're sleeping in and then enjoying the winter wonderland outside.  I wanted to let you know a few things about the World History Schedule:

1. Your Mission questions should still be done in your Google Docs.  I am going to work on reading those and giving you feedback this weekend prior to Tuesday's test.

2. The Current Events Connection, the last item on The Mission viewing guide still needs to get done.  If you do it for Monday and submit it as scheduled, you will get TWO (2) extra credit points.  If you don't have it for Monday, you can turn it in Tuesday or Wednesday, but you will not get the extra credit and know that we are proceeding with the test and starting a new unit, as planned.  You should find your OWN article for this activity; do not just ask someone else for theirs; it will be obvious if you all shared the same article.  Read and follow the directions carefully.  Only if all portions are complete and directions are followed are you eligible for the extra credit on Monday.

3.  The test is still on Tuesday.  Here is the test info sheet.  You should start studying and be sure your map is complete for Tuesday!  Bring your map with questions (or email me with questions) on Monday.

Email me with any questions!

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