Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday, 5/15/18

Today in class, we discussed the post-WWI vs. post-WWII peace settlements and discussed how, in general, the peace settlements after WWII were more fair.  If you were absent, see the charts that I handed out in class (get from a classmate or come and see me before class).  We also discussed the Nuremberg Trials using a packet I handed out.  Last, we reviewed for the test--be sure that you look at the WWI Activities Packet as you review.  Also remember, all late HW is due tomorrow and notes quiz corrections are due tomorrow.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday, 5/4/18

Today in class, we got back our Revolutions essays and filled out our writing logs.  Then, we submitted notes from the past two days and did the guided reading for 30.2 (Stalinist Russia).  Last, we did an activity of re-telling the story of Communism in China, and ended class by comparing the rise of Communism in Russia to that of Communism in China.  Look carefully at the assignment sheet for Monday's homework; there are very specific directions.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wednesday, 5/2/18

Today in class, we watched The Red Flag, a documentary about the Russian Revolutions of 1917.  If you were absent, please use the link above to watch the film; the movie guide you should fill out is posted under Unit 9.  Homework is on the assignment sheet.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, 4/27/18

Today in class, we made our way through a lesson on the Armenian Genocide, specifically asking the questions how and why this genocide could happen. If you were absent, be sure to get notes from someone who was here.  Homework is a modern connections worksheet and it is linked under the Unit 9 tab.  Please note--we will have an in-school field trip on Monday during 6th and 7th periods to hear a Holocaust Survivor speak.  Please let your 6th and 7th period teachers know you will be absent on Monday (and do all appropriate make-up work in advance).  This is an invaluable opportunity on DHS's Genocide Commemoration Day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Wednesday, 4/25/18

I was absent today (Wednesday) but here was the plan for those who were absent:  Use your World War I Activities Packet (given out yesterday in class) and complete “The Great War Poetry,” “Propaganda Posters of the Great War” and “Hidden Realities” worksheets; all supporting documents (pictures, poems, etc) are on the class website, so you will need to use your Chromebooks. Whatever you don't finish from these three worksheets is homework in addition to the Armenian Genocide packet that was handed out in class. If you were absent, make up the worksheets and stop by to get the HW packet from me in Q101.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday, 4/23/18

Today in class, I checked in the DBQ worksheet and then we worked in groups on the visual essay.  If you were absent, be sure to show me your worksheet when you return, review the visual essay instructions on the Unit 9 tab (no need to complete it--just know what you missed) and have the textbook notes done for tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday, 4/20/18

Today in class, we got an assignment sheet for the next unit as well as the material needed for the weekend's homework.  If you were absent, check the Unit 9 tab on the website to get these materials (assignment sheet, DBQ packet, and DBQ worksheet). Then we went through a reflection and sharing process to conclude the research paper. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, 4/17/18

Today in class, we briefly went over "Conclusion Writing Tips" (under "Research Paper" tab) and then had work time on our rough drafts.  Students had the opportunity to meet with me if s/he had questions.  For tomorrow, bring a full and complete copy of your rough draft AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY in hard copy (printed up) for class.  This is for peer editing tomorrow.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday, 4/16/18

Today in class, we went a sample for the thesis and a partial body paragraph for the research paper (see the link under Research Paper tab) and then did a modern connections (see link under modern connections tab).  Start drafting from our outline tonight; tomorrow is a work day on continuing to draft your paper.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, 4/13/18

Today in class, we looked at the Rubric (posted under the "Revolutions" tab), and I also pointed out the "Internal Citation Cheat Sheet" that is there for your reference.  We also looked at a model of a very complete outline chart that shows how if the outline chart is highly detailed, drafting your rough essay will be much easier.  There was work time for the rest of the class; the complete outline chart is due on Monday.  Monday, we will not have work time; it is a modern connections day.

Thursday, 4/12/18

Today in class, we worked on our Annotated Bibliographies.  See the sample under the "Revolutions" tab to help you; use the library citation manual too.  I also checked in your four sources; if you were absent be sure to check in with me so I can see your notes.   Homework for tomorrow is to do the first two pages of the Outline Chart (under "Revolutions tab)--this consists of some brainstorming questions as well as outlining your first body section.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday, 4/9/18

Today in class, we filled out a check in sheet (get this from me on Wednesday if you weren't here) and then proceeded with our research (one more in-depth source).  All notes should be taken for Wednesday, when we will meet in the classroom and start drafting our bibliographies.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday, 3/29/18

Today in class, we did some brainstorming in our notebooks (do this if you weren't here):

  1. What impact did (your topic) have on society?
  2. How did (your topic) cause change?
  3. What was like BEFORE and AFTER (your topic)?
  4. What questions do you feel you still need to answer about your topic?
The focus of class today was finding answers to what you listed in #4!  You should focus on finding sources that help you answer those questions, not re-hashing what you already know--fill in what you don't know and/or understand.  The librarians help us get to know how to use In-Depth Sources (longer articles, portions of books, primary documents) as those are the sources you should be using to fill in what you don't know.  I also handed out information about the paper structure & organization: for those starting to think ahead, this should be useful.  It is also posted under the "Revolutions Research Paper" tab.

Notes on one in-depth source are due on Monday, 4/9/18.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday, 3/23/18

Today in class we took the Unit 8 test, including submitting the Imperialism history lab packet. We also got intial information about the Research Paper, which we are starting next week.  Topics were assigned, instructions were handed out, and the first brainstorming sheet was assigned for Monday's class.    Monday, we will meet in the Library Classroom.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, 3/21/18

Today in class, we went over a review power point about imperialism; if you weren't here, get notes from someone who was and/or see Mrs. Quagliana to review this content. Then, the rest of the period was for individual and small group work on reivew or finishing up the Imperialism History Lab.  Remember, the history lab packet is due in full at the beginning of class on Friday!  Friday is our unit test.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, 3/20/18

Today in class, we worked on the China and Japan portios of the Imperialism History Lab Packet (which we started on Friday).  The entire packet, including the last worksheet entitled "Colonization & Imperialism," is due this Friday and will count as the writing portion of your unit test.  So, be sure this work is done completely, on your own, and following all directions.  I also showed the unit 8 test info sheet (linked under Unit 8 tab) and collected the guided reading packets that should have been completed for today. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday, 3/19/18

Today in class, we finished discussing Marxism (get notes from someone who was here if you were absent), read the modern connections article regarding Russia (see it posted under Modern Connections tab), and then got our unit 7 tests back.  For tomorrow, remember the next two guided readings are due (China and Japan).

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Wednesday, 3/14/18

Today in class, we did some sharing of the DBQ evidence in partners, then we discussed the economic and social impacts of the Industrial Revolution.  Next, we started the Economic Systems Chart (posted under Unit 8 tab).  If you weren't here, be sure to get notes from someone who was here and see me with any questions you have about this content.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Monday, 3/13/18

Today in class, we discussed how nationalism can unite peoples but also divide peoples from eachother at the same time.  Then, we reviewed internal citations and practiced using them in a paragraph that hghlighted one nationalism story (Germany, Italy, Mexico, or Venezuela).  Homework tomorrow is worksheet on the Industrial Revolution.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Friday, 3/9/18

Today in class, we did the Map Assignment (linked under Unit 8 tab), discussed Nationalism (if you were absent, get the handout from me and notes from a classmate) and last we did a guided reading on pages 692-697 (both under Unit 8 tab).  Be sure ot pay attention to terms from assignment sheet on the worksheet!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday, 3/6/18

Today in class, we finished our Napoleon newspapers and discussed what ultimately lead to Napoleon's downfall (character traits, strategy, etc).  Then we did a full class discussion and worksheet on the Congress of Vienna and last we had some time to review for the test on Wednesday.  All late HW for this unit is also due tomorrow.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Friday, 3/2/18

Today in class, we did one more art moment regarding Napoleon and then discussed in depth if he promoted or departed from the goals of the French Revolution (based on textbook material and a video clip we watched).  Be sure to get notes from someone if you weren't here.  Last, we began the Napoleon Newspaper activity linked on the website.  Also on the website is the Unit 7 test info (test is on Wednesday).

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, 2/28/18

Today in class, we debriefed on the simulation, comparing how we voted with the reality of what happened in France during this time.  We then went through the timeline of the French Revolution (student template linked on Unit 7 tab) and had three art moments (Tennis Court Oath, Lady Liberty Leading the People, and La Marseillaise). 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday, 2/27/18

Today in class, we did a simulation of the National Constituent Assembly!  We heard from three different groups about their vision of a stronger France and what type of government they envisioned for France.  We also had citizen marchers storm the assembly and make their needs (food, money, employment) known.  If you were absent, be sure to get the handouts from me when you return.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, 2/26/18

Today in class, we finished up our discussion of scientists and philosophers and did a knowledge check to see how we're doing remembering these individuals and their accomplishments.  Next, we did an art moment, looking at a political cartoon about the French Revolution.  Last, we watched the first 25 minutes of The French Revolution documentary from the History Channel, taking notes on this movie guide (see the movie guide with a live link to the film under the Unit 7 tab).  If you weren't here, be sure you watch the video and do the movie guide on your own.  Last, I handed out the homework (linked under the Unit 7 tab) and also added on to the homework to look at the causes of the French Revolution mind map, also posted under the Unit 7 tab.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday, 2/23/18

Today in class, we had an art moment, discussed how the Enlightenment connects to the Scientific Revolution, made a chart connecting new vs. old ideas, then we did skits regarding the different scientists and philosophers we have learned about.  If you were absent, be sure to get notes from someone you trust and contact me with any questions.  Homework is on the assignment sheet.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday, 2/22/18

Today in class, we had our art moment and discussed the paintings that students had commented on as part of the homework.  We then did worksheets on the scientific revolution and discussed the importance of the new ideas about the universe that came out of the scientific revolution.  Homework are the worksheets on the Enlightenment passed out in class (and linked on the online assignment sheet).  Read all directions carefully for the worksheets!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday, 2/21/18

Today, we got our unit 6 tests back.  Please see me with any questions.  Next, we did a modern connections discussion (linked under "Modern Connections" tab).  Homework for tomorrow is on the assignment sheet.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday, 2/13/18

Today in class, we took the Unit 5 test.  Be sure to email me ASAP if you were absent and need to make it up.  There was also a new assignment sheet (with homework for tomorrow) passed out; it is also linked under the Unit 7 tab. For tomorrow as well, please review the rubric you received today and your turnitin.com comments (on your Exploration paragraph) and fill out your writing log for this assignment.  Last, if you did not complete The Mission current events connection yet, the last day you can submit it for full credit is tomorrow.

Friday, February 9, 2018

SNOW DAY! Friday, 2/9/18

Happy Snow Day everyone!

I hope you're sleeping in and then enjoying the winter wonderland outside.  I wanted to let you know a few things about the World History Schedule:

1. Your Mission questions should still be done in your Google Docs.  I am going to work on reading those and giving you feedback this weekend prior to Tuesday's test.

2. The Current Events Connection, the last item on The Mission viewing guide still needs to get done.  If you do it for Monday and submit it as scheduled, you will get TWO (2) extra credit points.  If you don't have it for Monday, you can turn it in Tuesday or Wednesday, but you will not get the extra credit and know that we are proceeding with the test and starting a new unit, as planned.  You should find your OWN article for this activity; do not just ask someone else for theirs; it will be obvious if you all shared the same article.  Read and follow the directions carefully.  Only if all portions are complete and directions are followed are you eligible for the extra credit on Monday.

3.  The test is still on Tuesday.  Here is the test info sheet.  You should start studying and be sure your map is complete for Tuesday!  Bring your map with questions (or email me with questions) on Monday.

Email me with any questions!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wednesday, 2/7/18

Today in class, we concluded our viewing of The Mission.  Assigned questions for homework were numbers 8-12; complete those on the same Google Doc you've been doing previous movie questions.  In class on Friday, we will finish our discussion about the film and you will have some time to start the current events connection due Monday; also bring your map--you may have some time to work on that as well. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, 1/31/18

Today in class, we submitted for points the annotated articles brought in for the paragraph assignment.  If you were absent, be sure to show this to me when we meet again.  Then, we answered questions about the paragraph which is due Monday.  Then, we went through the presentation about the Atlantic slave trade (posted under the Unit 6 tab).  If you weren't here, review the slide show, get notes from someone who was here, and be sure to see me with any questions.  On Friday, be sure to bring your map and your paragraph work; you will have some time to work on these items at the end of class.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, 1/30/18

With the substitute today, you all watched a video on how the Aztecs engineered their empire (if you were absent, see me for a movie guide and a link to watch this online on your own). Then, you did the primary document activity (linked under the Unit 6 tab).  Last, you go the formal paragraph assignment.  Due tomorrow (as per assignment sheet) is to choose your question and bring in an article from one of hte databases, printed up, read and annotated--this will be a source that will use when you write your formal paragraph.  The paragraph assignment is linked under the Unit 6 tab as well.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday, 1/29/18

Today in class, we did a Modern Connections Discussion; see the link on the Modern Connections tab and complete this on your own if you were absent.  Tomorrow, the notes on the Incas and Aztecs are due.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, 1/26/18

Today in class, we submitted corrections for our notes quizzes (optional).  If you weren't here, be sure to give these to me on Monday if you choose to do them.  Then, we discussed the similarities and differences in China and Japan's reactions to foreign influence during the 1400 and 1500s--get notes from someone if you weren't here.  Then we did some assertion and evidence practice & evaluation (see the link on Unit 6 tab), and last we did the mini-research (also linked on Unit 6 tab).  If you weren't here, complete these on your own and be sure to share them with me.  Nothing due Monday, but two sections of notes are due Tuesday, so get a start on those!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, 1/24/18

Today in class, in small groups we did some paragraph writing practice and critiquing (see the Treaty of Tordesillas paragraph writing activity under Unit 6 tab). Then, we read the Zheng He piece and discussed why his trips were so remarkable, what motivated and enabled his travels, and why the travels stopped (get notes from a classmate if you weren't here).  Last, we made posters comparing and contrasting European and Chinese exploration and ended class with a stop-drop-and-write about why these differences may have existed from an historical perspective.  For Friday, there are notes, assertion and evidence writing, and notes quiz corrections (optional).

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday, 1/23/18

Today in class, we got back our exams and semester grades and did some reflective writing in connection to these items. Then, we discussed the European motivations for exploration using a mind map on the board (get notes from someone if you weren't here).  Next, we took a notes quiz and last we read over an excerpt from 'The Treaty of Tordesilles' and did some initial writing about what this document says about European attitudes towards non-Europeans.  Get this document from me if you were absent.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday 1/22/18

Today in class, we got quarter three activity points (also linked on the website) and assignment sheet for the new unit.  We then got the map activity for this unit, due on the day of the unit quiz.  We had time to start it, but the rest of the work will need to be done outside of class.  If you were absent, see me to get a copy of this map activity, but review the assignment sheet linked under the Unit 6 tab--try to have the notes done for tomorrow's class.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, 1/8/18

Today in class, we did a brief discussion on the Catholic church's response to the Reformation and did some writing practice (see the link under Unit 5).  We discussed how it is important to  first understand and lay out the content connected to the focus question and then to have ALL PARTS of as assertion (topic + opinion + why/so-what/because), even on the in-class writing you will do on the exam.  We evaluated some student samples of assertions; if you were absent, get notes from some one who was here.  Then, we went over the Semester Exam Info Sheet and brainstormed study strategies.  Last, we created individual study plans.  On Thursday, you will have individual study time and will have access to your test folders.

Monday, 1/8/18

Today in class, we did a map activity that applied some of the religious changes that went on as a result of the Reformation.  Then, we finished the 'Charting the Reformation' activity we began on Friday.  We also filled out forms to guide individual discussions on Course Recommendations for next year and last, we handed in activity points.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday, 1/5/18

Today in class, we briefly went over the structure and study strategies for the semester exam; a more exhaustive discussion will happen next week.  We also discussed four year planning and recommendations for next year; I will discuss with individual students as needed next week.  Then, we discussed why there are so many types of Protestants (adding onto our notes), and last we began the "Charting the Reformation" worksheet (linked under Unit 5 tab) which we will continue on Monday.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wednesday, 1/3/18

Today in class, we brainstormed causes of the Reformation then did the Progressive Essay (linked in Unit 5 tab).  If you were absent, please do the Progressive Essay yourself (writing a thesis and two body paragraphs). This will be reviewed for completion points. 

Tuesday, 1/2/18

Today in class, we went over some new policies and expectations in our classroom.  Be sure to get the explanation and new passes from Mrs. Quagliana if you were absent.  Then, we reviewed the Renaissance Art slide show posted under the Unit 5 tab.  If you were gone, be sure to examine each image, taking notes on the artist, title, and the prompts at the beginning of the slideshow; you may also want to get notes from someone who was here or meet with Mrs. Quagliana to go over some bigger themes/ideas.  Also, be sure to do the writing that instructed on the last slide.  Reminder: Activity Points are due on Friday!